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Participants' Experiences

“A new dimension!”  (Therapist) 


Numerous participants have shared about unlocking the power of song through Giving Voice (GV), and how they have harnessed this in their daily lives. Our blog reveals much about this, as does our book; the latter also gives step-by-step guidance for anyone wanting to know how to do this for themselves.


We cannot say how the process will impact on any particular person or issue; however, we can say that its impact is often surprising. It’s helped Jill, and many others, improve their level of functioning in all sorts of ways.

Some report effects on physical problems, for instance, effects on relationships, discovering how to find peacereclaiming creativitystopping smokingstanding taller, a transformed relationship with music  or with singing, and much more. Our book provides insight into how such discoveries can be made, as well as being a ‘how-to’ guide.   


We hope the blog encourages and inspires, and that the book can help you make similar rewarding discoveries for yourself. 


“I can’t imagine life without [GV].  It’s a challenge, an inspiration, a way through to the ‘real’, ‘deep’, ‘true’ part of me, and a source of connection to others …” 


Participants' stories from our Blog
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