Registered Charity
Book | Recordings | Song Cards
Unlocking the Power of Song
A Companion for Challenging Times
By Jill Rakusen
ISBN: 978-1-9196405-0-1
Imprint: National Foundation for Giving Voice
Date Published: 26 Mar 2022
Format: Paperback
£25 (including UK P&P) Concessions available
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At present it's only available to purchase exclusively from us.
Although we’re subsidising it hugely, we know the cost will still be out of reach for many. (If you are such a person, please don’t hesitate to contact us so we can offer you a subsidised copy.)
If you feel able to help others obtain a copy, please do add a donation using the button above.
We have CD and Cassette Versions of two Albums below and they will soon be available for digital download .
• Songs for Universal Peace and Healing, originally made as a cassette tape (that’s how long GV has been going!), includes studio recordings by Jill of three songs in the book (No's 1, 3 and 9) together with three more. Available on CD or as a download for £8.50.
• The ‘Peace Tape/CD’ was produced for people wanting to use song to promote peace in their lives, local communities, and the wider world. It contains two songs from the book. A Song about Finding Peace (No. 1) and The Time Has Come (No. 14); the latter is a participatory performance, recorded from ’scratch’, following 9/11 and street riots in the communities affecting the singers’ local areas. Available for a donation (suggested £5 minimum), along with Song Cards of these two songs as well.
Song Cards
Song cards are currently available for:
A Song about Finding Peace (No. 1),
I see Beauty (No. 3),
Truth Song (No. 8),
Tallis’s Canon (No. 13),
A Song about Home (No. 28)
Every Little Step (No. 20).
Suggested Donation £1.50 each
A ‘Tree’ of songs from the book (as displayed on page 19); NB this card promotes the book and we do not charge for it.