Of the many professionals that Jill has worked with, some have made a point of sharing their experiences as professionals.

Malgorzata, for instance, writes as a mental health services manager. She requested that Jill run a celebratory event for survivors of domestic violence –
"Jill facilitated all the audience to sing together, and to many survivors this was a reaffirming experience, enabling them to reach the core of their existence, and providing them with renewed belief in the value of peace, harmony, joy and freedom.
GV is unique in its potential to facilitate integration, harmony and respect in our often overburdened and stressed communities, schools, organisations and family lives. It can enable us to transform and translate a negative state of existence into a positive, wholistic and harmonious state … It can enable us to transcend difficult circumstances into life and energy-releasing co-existence, which is essential for any community progress, change, transformation and growth”.
Mary, a Nurse/counsellor, having engaged in GV for quite a while wanted to share how she saw it in relation to health care as well as other contexts –
“GV has to be part of Primary Health Care - for me it is - in my heart it's like coming home. It is not feel-good nonsense: it can be integrated with medical knowledge and is integral to an holistic approach. It's a response to illness and is responsive to it. It's holistic in itself but perhaps more importantly, being truly holistic, it can be integrated into other areas and disciplines - whether medical, spiritual or artistic. It can meet us where we are, and take us to a new vision.”
Tony, a therapist, writes after learning to draw on GV internally when working with clients –
“It’s useful in so many ways. It’s a transformative tool … I work with a lot of severely traumatised people, and I have v little time with them. GV has been really helping. I’ve noticed how even in just 10 minutes with a client, a huge amount could be achieved. I realise I've been trusting that through my intention, something can come out of the chaos. One client started laughing, and went out smiling. A first!”
NB Tony doesn’t teach GV to clients – to do that he would need considerable training (for Rachel and Caroline, for instance, it involved approx three years). If you are interested in learning more, do contact the Foundation.
Meanwhile, Ilona, a nurse/therapist whose work involved palliative care, writes –
“I have found that those in most need (including the bereaved and the dying) have found amazing peace and acceptance through listening and absorbing the tape [now a CD ] Thank you.”
And Tracy, a mental health nurse and trainer, speaks personally as well as professionally –
"I just want to say thank you again … I am so happy to have taken so much away with me ... I may not have understood how this approach fully fits into my journey at first but I think I do now ... I also feel I want to comment at the inclusiveness that features strongly in your work ... I am a Mental Health Nurse and I also train people in person-centred working and looking differently at disability and I see you do this so wonderfully whilst promoting respect and dignity.”
Here a range of other professionals comment on their personal experience of GV with Jill –
“I find it impossible to describe just how much you’ve helped me … and I learned such a lot just being in the group/experiencing your way of leading it.” Psychotherapist
“I enjoyed myself immensely – got the peace and the exhilaration I hoped for. I began to find a new voice.” Musician
“Words fail me. I’m so delighted with what I’ve discovered.” Teacher
“Thank you from my heart. This weekend was fantastic and you brought a lot more than I’d expected … Everything we did was utterly appropriate. I’ll be feeding off this weekend for yonks and yonks.” Photographer
“A new dimension!” Therapist
“I feel I have truly turned a corner. Outside my (very restricted and restricting) comfort zone, life no longer seems a wasteland coloured by my feelings of self-consciousness and self-hate. I have simply let go of many attitudes that were making my life miserable. And I am sure this is only the start.” Music teacher
“I felt I moved a long way ...” Dance teacher
"Very enlightening" Sikh Spiritual Healer
“I work in a healing centre and have experienced many workshops – Jill’s was completely transformative. It is without doubt the highlight of my time here.” Therapist
“A gorgeous day-long massage!” Head Teacher
“I feel a doorway to my heart has opened a little more.” Trainer
“I’d like to celebrate the part GV played in my internal evolution. Part of
my voice has been silent and repressed, and I realise I can claim it. The actual allowing myself to go to a VOICE WORKSHOP was a BIG step –
and you were the person I needed to find there ... You’re a shifter of
Jinxes!” Therapist
"GV is the involvement of every aspect of myself – body, soul, now and ‘other’." Christine, Artist
“I feel I have ‘found’ my voice and have much more confidence about singing. Awareness also of the links between sound, posture, relaxation and breathing and spiritual connectedness.” Therapist