“It’s made me think differently about music.” Colm
Many of us have a relationship with music, and song, that separates us from it – as listeners, spectators, even performers or composers. GV can enable us to bring it into our lives (into ourselves), often in profound ways –
Sandra, for instance, didn’t ‘do’ music. Then, after engaging in the GV Process, something happened –
“My experience has altered my perception of music/song. I now often choose to listen to music, not just listening to it but can hear it, see it and feel it deep within. The most astounding discovery is its healing capacity ... It has opened my heart and mind to allow song to seep osmotically in and work its magical qualities.”
Having also begun to open doors to herself – and the world – through GV, Janet was blown away by the music of Schubert and Beethoven for the first time –
“I LOVED it ... It’s incredible: I can really FEEL the energy of the pieces touching me, as if I’ve suddenly become alive … I’ve been SO deprived but didn’t know it. Now I want to FEAST on this music ... Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. I realise how far I’ve come ... “
Such music had not appealed to Janet before, and never touched her. Meanwhile Jack, whose musical tastes were ‘classical’ – including Schubert and Beethoven – started to open up to other forms of music too –
“I have recently realised that I can ‘allow myself’ to like various old ‘pop’ songs …”
See Sandra's story following traumatic bereavement and Some abuse survivors' stories and for more about Sandra's and Janet’s stories respectively. See also Our relationship with singing – GV's impact. Meanwhile the book reveals how they – and others – have drawn on the GV Process to effect change, and how you can too – whether you sing or not.