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Impact on daily life

Updated: Aug 5, 2022

An important aspect of the Giving Voice Process (GV) is how we can draw on it in daily life – regardless of how 'musical' or 'unmusical' we believe we are. And we don't need anyone else – not even a recording – to enable this to happen.

Below are some examples of people's experiences following a short course where they learnt the basics of how to do this. NB our book provides step-by-step guidance on these basics, as well as more advanced aspects of the process (please see Unlocking the Power of Song – a Companion for Challenging Times; it's carefully designed for the general reader, and requires no expertise or experience around music or singing).

After Learning the Basics

“I feel so lucky … The benefit has been unbelievable. I’ve been given a goldmine!"

(Sandra after the course had ended)

“I’ve learnt skills I’ve never learnt anywhere else that I can use in my life.”

“I’ve been surprised by my capacity to learn and grow from my experiences

[including] in everyday life.”

“I used GV to go through and beyond, when a crisis threw me into panic and despair.”

“I feel I have got my life back.”


“I can’t imagine life without [GV]. It’s a challenge, an inspiration, a way through to the ‘real’, ‘deep’, ‘true’ part of me, and a source of connection to others.”

“I gained in many ways. [After three years], I’ve regained … connection. It was like breathing in fresh, clean air. I would like to express my utmost gratitude … it was of paramount importance to opening doors for the rest of my life.”

“I definitely feel much better about myself as a whole. I’m sure it’s connected with the course – there’s nothing else I’ve been doing that could have had this effect.”

“Through GV some pain released and then I slipped into a deep stillness like a healing sleep. This profound experience left me refreshed, lighter.”

“I have learnt to let go of fearful habits and replaced them with habits that help me move forward ... I have found GV helps me to (access) painful feelings and helped me to express myself ... and nurture myself ... the songs enable me to feel more powerful.”

I feel more able to cope with all my difficulties (which remain the same).”

“I’ve tried to stop smoking before and it hasn’t worked … I really feel that [GV] helped me succeed. [Using GV] during cravings meant I actually enjoyed having them and beating them!”

Elly (over six weeks after the end of the course she was still happily free of smoking)

Here's an additional sense of the breadth and depth

participants have experienced, eg in relation to:

  • increased capacity (“I can cope with my hearing loss")

  • increased self-valuing activity (“I’ve started to nurture myself!")

  • increased creativity of various kinds, (“my creative block’s been blown away!")

  • help with sleep (“GV is particularly helpful before sleeping")

  • preparation for a job interview (she got the job!)

  • weight loss (I no longer feel the anxiety that led me to eat inappropriately")

“I could feel GV helping to heal me inside. I respect myself more and the course has given me a good reason to want to stop smoking.”

“I have successfully used song to calm myself when agitated or upset ... I've sung myself through some very upsetting times.”

“I woke up feeling really good. I’ve never done that before.” (Kieran, aged 10)

“Since the course I have felt more ‘peaceful’, and although there are negative thoughts they are not as often. Peace is coming slowly, along with accepting myself … I still have a drink (I drank through boredom), but a lot later in the evening.”

“Now I try to find other ways of alleviating stress rather than drinking or smoking.”

Observations whilst attending one of our courses

“The pain was transformed into joy laughter, lightness, confidence."

"In the first part of the session, I found the answer to a problem that I’d virtually abandoned trying to solve … Thank you! I felt so high about it, I didn’t really pay attention to the rest of the session."

“I feel more joyful and very nourished in a way that nothing else does for me!”

I am generally more confident and happy … (My) self-respect is growing daily.”

“My tiredness becomes manageable.” (someone who lives with chronic tiredness)

“I've experienced peace when feeling quite stressed/depressed. And I've been able to transform anger and fear into “patience/self-acceptance.”

”[I've been using GV] regularly at home to allow time and space for myself – surprisingly my small children respected that (they don’t usually leave me alone!)”

Effects may continue long after an event

“[It] was lighthearted and fun and yet deep and moving, energizing and yet tiring, thought-provoking and at times confusing but yet clear and so incredibly easy, peaceful and yet stirring ... like feeling a breath of fresh air whilst experiencing and enjoying a warm whirlwind ... being and feeling ALIVE. I’m still riding high and glowing inside - and it’s weeks afterwards!” Residential participant as quoted in Positive Health Magazine

“I would like to extend my gratitude and appreciation … my father’s experience touched our hearts, my experience blessed us all. I can’t thank you enough.”

(the writer's father had previously attended a residential;

his experience led the writer herself to attend a subsequent one.)

“ I really enjoyed the day but it did take me a while to recover! I shifted some deep stuff so obviously had some repercussions. I'm now exhausted but in a positive way.”

“I have to say that [the next day] I have actually felt ‘different’. I can’t put my finger on it quite, but I like the feeling!”

Meanwhile, after attending a GV residential weekend, Patricia effortlessly stopped smoking. Three years later she was still not smoking. She'd been getting through 40 cigarettes a day. Patricia's experience is described further in Unlocking the Power of Song – a Companion for Challenging Times.

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