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Making the most of our book | Giving Voice for Peace 
Giving Voice for Peace

Giving Voice for Peace (GV4P) is for people who not only desire peace – in our lives and in the world – but who also wish to develop (greater) skill in finding and promoting it, to strengthen the capacity to resist its opposite, and who are open to learning how song can support and teach us in this regard.


GV4P can enable us to address complex feelings about world events, and the overall world situation; and to grow harmony and compassion – within ourselves and in the world. It can take us beyond 'personal development’, as the focus becomes the whole, and the part that the whole needs us to play. 


Participants experiences with using Giving Voice to promote peace.



In response to the COVID-19 challenges, we transferred Giving Voice for Peace online. 



  • If you can’t face joining Facebook, do let us know, as we might be able to sort out an alternative for you. (Jill herself has only just joined, on the promise that Caroline would be able to set her up in a way that few can see her!).

  • GVfP has usually taken place on the 3rd Thursday of each month, although people often continue their process throughout the month. Although it may vary.


what Jane and Flo think:

"I have a new understanding of how song can promote peace.”



“I’m beginning to "be" with others in a different way (and others are noticing the change). My life is gradually being transformed, and I’m noticing a ripple effect.” 

Flo, after doing regular GV4P 

Other participants experiences of using Giving Voice to promote peace.

History of GV for Peace

GV4P was initiated as a response to Bradford riots in 2001: some local participants, realising GV’s potential, wanted to develop and hone their capacity to use song as a way of moving beyond negative feelings of all kinds – and thereby better promote peace. 

After the shocking events of 11th September in the USA – just a few weeks later – GV4P took on a more global focus, and this led to the establishment of regular GV4P sessions, including at a distance.


Two particular songs of Jill’s were increasingly shared: The Time Has Come, and the Song About Finding Peace, with a clear focus on supporting anyone wishing to become more skilled in promoting peace. 


Given the unprecedented challenges the world is facing, the need to be respectful, compassionate and steadfast is ever greater.  Do contact us if you'd like to explore participation in GV4P – either ‘in person’ or 'at a distance’ – eg through our Giving Voice for Peace Facebook group 



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