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Exploring our Relationship with Song


Our relationship with song (or with particular songs) is as rich and complex as any family relationship: there are ups and downs and it's an ongoing process. With long-term commitment, and support, we can continue to grow and deepen our relationship over time, and come to new levels of understanding and appreciation of ...







For example - A Canon by Thomas Tallis


"I've always loved the beauty and craftsmanship of this 16th Century round, yet the 'original' words are problematic for me. One day, when feeling very unwell and sorry for myself, Tallis's music appeared. It led me to these words:


I thank thee for this sacred day,
For all the gifts which come my way,
Help me to find the sacred key,
In me and everyone I meet.









Words: © Jill Rakusen 2003



"The more I sang these words, the more I felt connected, joyful, and in contact with the sacred. This is where this song can take me, whenever I'm willing". Jill

"While this song has religious connotations that I find alienating, the Giving Voice process has enabled me to move beyond my negativity and gain a wider perspective. My experiences with this song are teaching me about joy, freedom and responsibility in honouring the sacredness in me and in others, and in leaving behind my prejudices". Rachel


Many others have engaged with this song as part of an ongoing process, finding it has much to offer, including release, ease, healing and new hope.

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